As IT2Rail outcomes are foreseen precursors of the full scope Shift2Rail IP4 innovation programme, dissemination and communication activities will be designed and executed for both projects and initiated in a dedicated IT2Rail work package (WP8 Dissemination). The relationship of IT2Rail and future Shift2Rail activities within the Horizon 2020 framework is presented in the diagram below:
IT2Rail and future Shift2Rail relationships and timescales
In order to maximise the exploitation of initial
IT2Rail’s research and innovation, the Project ’s outcomes will be shared with relevant stakeholders (see diagram below), applying appropriate knowledge and data management mechanisms governed by policies reflected in the Data Management Plan (DMP), itself a deliverable of work package WP8. The partners will identify along the Project’s life during the exchanges planned in the meetings of the WP dissemination (task 8.3) those confidential deliverables results covered by IPR that need to be made available to the Shift2Rail Joint Undertaking members that have committed to undertake research activities to transform IT2Rail into the future Technology Demonstrators having more complex and wider EU/system scope and impact. The
IT2Rail consortium agreement will further detail how results will be protected, including details in cases of joint ownership. As
IT2Rail specifications will be designed as open deliverables, concepts, choices and recommendations presented in these specifications will be directly re-useable and expandable by the Shift2Rail work streams. In addition,
IT2Rail will promote similar concepts than
Shift2Rail for the implementation of demonstrators, such as: distributed and web oriented architectures, reliance on semantic interoperability framework for interfaces between Work Packages technologies etc. Finally, the presence of some funding members of
Shift2Rail within
IT2Rail will facilitate the access to
IT2Rail progress and deliverables.